Mange Management Inc.
PO Box 144
St Andrews VIC 3761 Australia
T: 0431 600 125
(please include your phone number)
Wombat attack
Usually evident on the wombat’s rump.
In severe cases, wounds can be seen from the top of the head all the way down the wombat’s back.
Wombats are territorial by nature, which can lead to disputes.
Injuries can usually be seen on the back or rump area. The wombat uses its bony back plate like a shield when it gets chased into its burrow.
It can look very similar to mange due to the fur loss or open wounds, however the back on a mangy wombat is the healthiest area.
Dog attack
Puncture wounds, tears or scratches from a dog attack are usually visible around the back of the neck and ears.
If there is a rotting dead smell this would indicate the wounds have become infected and the wombat needs to be reported, so it can receive the help it needs to recover.
Mange is usually evident by crusty ridges around the wombat’s shoulders, sides and legs. Scabs can also form around the wombat’s eyes and ears and the wombat may appear to be blind and deaf.
Hair is usually still growing down the centre of the wombat’s back and rump and is often referred to as a ‘mohawk appearance’.